In a message dated 12/04/2007 22:01:04 GMT Standard Time,  

> agree - perhaps Quanta would be better to say, purchase 5 licences  and  
> then offer to give them away - that would probably be more  than enough to  
> meet demand.

Have to say I dont agree, buying the rights or an unlimited licence  future 
proofs the use of QMAC for new entrants to QL computing. 5 free copies  are 
likely to be snapped up by existing users. Contacting Quanta and possibly  
joining to get a free copy creates yet another barrier for a new entrant. What  
happens when the 6th person comes along and asks for a copy - perhaps a Quanta  
member who is upset to discover that the free copies have gone to non  members?
My advice is keep it simple get an unlimited licence (if not  unreasonably 
priced) and make it freely downloadable from the sources  page.

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