In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Darren Branagh - 
Kingfisher Club <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes

Yes, bringing in more QL users would be a good outcome .....

I assume that Quanta are considering distributing the CD-ROM.

Although, if Darren can get hold of some very cheap USB Sticks, then no 
reason why it cannot still be a QL on a Stick too.

>I'll second that with a very loud voice. This is one of the many things
>I love above Dilwyn. He never,ever does anything half heartedly, if he
>agrees to do something, its done 100%. As his websie proves, and the
>lastest QL on a Stick project too.
>Well done Dil. I hope it helps to bring back a few former (and maybe
>even new) QL users into the fold.
>Dilwyn Jones wrote:
>>>> The web page with information about QL On A Stick is now online:
>>> Nice piece of work that, Dilwyn! A round of applause, please, gents
>>> and ladies.
>>> Per
>> Thanks Per.

Malcolm Cadman
QL-Users Mailing List

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