>> I'm looking to write a little utility to record keypresses as 
>> macros,
>> if necessary assigning them to a hotkey or altkey for later use.
>> Some processes mean repeated strings of keypresses, so it may be 
>> handy
>> to record these keypresses and replay them later with an alt or hot
>> key to avoid typing the same commands repeatedly.
>> Anyone have any idea how best to go about achieving this?
> My first thought would be hook in an interrupt handler to read the
> 'current key press' word from the system variable. But, my second
> thought was how to determine if it has changed especially when it is 
> the
> same keypress as the one before.
Well, looking at sv_arbuf is possibly one way of doing this, but does 
not work with 2 successive identical keypresses (unless the program 
looks at it for the auto-repeat period and reset it, which is 
definitely not "clean")

> I'm too far away from my docs to be able to look them up at present,
> plus I have the boiler man in to fix the central heating. We had a 
> new
> kitchen put in, a radiator removed and it stopped working. The 
> original
> plumber says it wasn't removing the radiator that did it and doesn't
> want to know.
Plumbers make big money but have a reputation that they ain't always 
the easiest of people to deal with (like builders) when things go 
wrong. Even when it really is their fault.

> PS. Check "Slow Gold" source code for hooking in an interrupt 
> handler.
> Also, there was a caps lock indicator program (Quanta?) a few years
> back. I think that did a similar thing.
OK, thanks for that.
Dilwyn Jones

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