You have our sympathy from QL Today. We know how it feels to deliver a magazine late to the readers.

As I mentioned in an earlier email you have also had similar problems in your scout duties and are grossly overworked at the moment.

I hope all Quanta members will be patient and understanding and learn a lesson from this. John Gilpin is the linchpin of Quanta. Many of his duties involve a specialist knowledge so it is not easy for someone to step in and help him out temporarily.

This was a crisis that was waiting to happen and was inevitable when for three years you have had a seriously undermanned committee.

Best Wishes,


----- Original Message ----- From: "John Gilpin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "ql-users" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, November 09, 2008 1:01 PM
Subject: [Ql-Users] QUANTA Magazine

In an effort to avoid any erroneous "Grapevine" comments causing concern to QUANTA Members (and others) I am making the following statement on behalf of the current QUANTA Committee:-

"Due to not receiving any response to communications sent to our new Magazine Editor - Tony Hill - over a now considerable period, this committee have asked John Gilpin - QUANTA Treasurer and Membership Secretary - to stand in again as Joint Magazine editor until (at least) the AGM in April 2009. The other Joint Editor's position will remain with John Mason.

In order to notify you all of details for the forthcoming Celebration Workshop and AGM in April 2009, John G has agreed to publish Quanta Magazines for August/September/October 2008, (a three month's issue), and November/December 2008/January 2009 (another three month's issue). This will bring us up to the end of Volume 25. He has also agreed to publish a Magazine for February/March 2009 which will be our "Celebration Issue" - QUANTA will be 25 years old in February 2009."

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