Good day, Norman,

well, I was a bit annoyed, because I have sent Tony the sources (just to open his ideas), explained, why it should be better to use a different system esp. for WIN files, but there was no comment. Perheps he has finished the WIN driver for the Miraculix hard disk and do not wanted to change a thing, who knows? And it was long before he has written the QPAC suite.

Fact is, nowadays, esp. the handling on WIN is not the thing, which is ideal. Hmm, we all were prepared to take the WMAN2 extensions (and we DO) , and it is a bit useless (IMHO) to implement all of the old QL WMAN stuff just to be compatible. One can see it from both sides.

I just see it (in this thing) on the WIN side. And for that I just ask, how much it would take, to give us a better way. Yes, brainstorming. SMSQ ist quite *very* good, but there are ways to make it even better ;-).


----- Original Message ----- From: "Norman Dunbar"

Marcel Kilgus wrote:

Imagine not being able to use QPAC2 anymore because the directory you
want to navigate to is too deeply nested in the tree.

That was what I had in mind when I suggested that we also change the
directory separator. So if the path is full of '/' (for example) then
those are the new style file system and are handled by new code and if
there are no '/' but '_' then that uses the old style file system.

Ok, I know the whole thing is probably moot, but hey, we can call it
brainstorming and have a bit of fun can't we?

With the 'dual' filesystem in place, old programs carry on with their
device_directory_file_extension and new programs, written to take
advantage, use the new style device/directory/file.extension.

The problem you allude to above is when you have old style programs on a
system with mixed or new style file systems, then they will not cope
with the new style at all - and QPAC2's Files utility will, to all
intents and purposes, be useless.


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