Absolutely, I couldn't agree with you more. Microsoft ignored html standards for years and got away with it because they had effectively sewn up the browser market - if a site works in IE then 99% of the viewers were happy. Now that is changing, with Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome and the other minority browsers, and everyone needs to sit down together and agree real standards across browsers.

Roy wood wrote:
In message <494a0146.8000...@digitalanswers.biz>, Rick Chagouri-Brindle <r...@digitalanswers.biz> writes
never been compliant with HTML standards and website have to use all sorts of tricks to get it to work properly in IE and standards compliant browsers. With each revision of IE MS promise to make it more compliant . . .
Well I can see that to a degree but the code that works fine on my MySpace site under IE fails under Firefox and that is recognised as a Firefox problem. The same goes for static backgrounds on Firefox. If you look at my band website in IE the background stays static and the text slides over it do the same in Firefox and it all moves together. Of course people say it is not a recognised command but I go back to my previous comment. They are all too busy being competitive and digging at each other to actually sit down and solve the problems. Sound familiar? It's just a microcosm of the outside world..

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