
The sources for smsq/e, current version 3.13, are at 
http://www.scp-paulet-lenerz.com/smsqe and can be freely downloaded from there. 
They can be recompiled to the version required with QMAC if you have it. 
Instructions and tools other than QMAC are supplied with the sources. 
Otherwise JMS at http://www.j-m-s.com/smsq/ or Quo Vadis at 
http://www.ql-qvd.com/products.html will probably sell you a compiled copy. 




-----Original Message-----
From: Francois Lanciault <francoislancia...@hotmail.com>
To: ql-us...@q-v-d.com
Sent: Sun, 19 Apr 2009 5:18
Subject: [Ql-Users] SMSQ/E


I am making some kind of a come back to the QL and I might have some dollars to 
update my SGC/Aurora system to the latest technologies. 


- What is the latest SMSQ/E revision 

- Where can I buy it easily (internet order, Paypal payment, quick download) 

- Does it come with complete documentation (Especially the GD2 color 

- In the SuperGoldCard version of SMSQ/E, I know that the 256 colors mode is 
supported. What about the 16 colors mode ? (Useful because it can be used at 
higher resolution than the 256 colors mode) 

- I have QD98. Can it be upgraded to the latest one or do I have to buy it 


Thank you in advance. 

François Lanciault 


P.S. I will be working shortly on a program that make heavy use of the QL networ
k. I hope there are some QL network expert around because I am sure to have 
many questions. 



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