OK, I've found the answer here,


I'll have another go tonight.

Quoting aup...@dsl.pipex.com:

> I sent an e-mail last night but I'm not sure if it was received.  Anyway, I
> thought I'd try to copy from my real ql 
> to a q-emulator ql over the serial port, and I'm getting better results that
> I was getting using a DOS prompt.  I'm 
> getting so close now I can taste it.
> Using q-emulator's serial port I have been able to copy complete files back
> and forth between the emulated and real 
> ql's (no more ctrl-z problems).  I just have one last problem with
> executables.
> I am able to copy the complete file and if I do a copy mdv1_filename to scr_
> on the real and emulated ql's the 
> output on the screen appears identical; but when I try to EXEC the "target"
> file (the copy) I get "bad parameter", 
> whereas the "source" file runs correctly.  I think this must be what several
> of you have to alluded to with 
> headers.  I expect that following the suggestion of zipping the files would
> help, however, I still have to get zip 
> executable copied across.
> Does anyone have a solution that might help with this?  If there's a good
> explanation out there regarding these 
> headers and how executables are different, I'd be grateful if you could point
> me in its direction (I'm beginning to 
> find all this quite interesting ;).  
> > Arnould wrote:
> > > I did something like this in 1986/87 but only for pure ASCII text
> > > files. After the file was copied over, the PC still needed an end of
> > > file control code to understand what happened, CTRL+Z I think, wich
> > > had to be sent manually with something like:
> > 
> > That's what the "z" in "ser1hz" is for, no need to do it manually.
> > 
> > Marcel
> > 
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