"BOOT" - Choose the Operating System required and load same. (QDOS OR SMSQ) [if QDOS is selected then do nothing since QDOS is the native OS whereas if SMSQ is selected, LRESPR SMSQ_GOLD) - LRUN BOOT2

I should perhaps have qualified this - one boot can both install SMSQ and install the toolkits/extensions:

110   REM only offer to install SMSQE if not already present
120   INPUT"1=SMSQE  2=QDOS";os
140 END IF
150 REM now install every other toolkit
160 IF VER$ <> "HBA" THEN
170   TK2_EXT : REM ensure TK2 enabled on QDOS systems
180   REMark install pointer environment on QDOS
190   LRESPR win1_extns_ptr_gen : REM in this order...
200   LRESPR win1_extns_wman
210   LRESPR win1_extns_hot_rext
220 END IF
230 LRESPR this....
240 LRESPR that....
(and so on)
500 REM define hotkeys
(and so on)
800 REMark activate hotkeys job
810 HOT_GO

There's no problem with combining different actions in a boot program as long as it's fairly inline code and easy to follow - I tend to try to avoid calls to procs and functions in my boot programs. Equally, there's nothing to prevent you splitting it into 3 or 4 programs if it makes it easier for you to work out what's going wrong when you get problems like the ones you have with this program.

Queries:- on my QLs (Aurora, SGC, QuBide, etc.) TK2 is loaded automatically at power-on (AUTOTK2F1 command), the file "BOOT" is located, LOADed and runs automatically. Are the "EXTRAS" within TK2 LRESPRd in the same manner as if TK2 were LRESPRd from either the command line or from within a boot program? OR are they 'loaded' some other way which may cause some or all of them to go missing?

No, this is a full TK2 implementation, built into Super Gold Card. The AUTOTK2F1 just simply means you do not need a TK2_EXT statement in your boot program. Even if you use both, it won't do any harm - TK2_EXT just "enforces" the defintiions. They are installed just as if you had LRESPRed a disk based copy of toolkit 2. Even though it's built into Super Gold Card it should be listed by EXTRAS as normal.

LRESPR SMSQ_GOLD causes the machine to RESET following which it initialises again. Does this RESET remove TK2 from memory and is TK2 then automatically reloaded again? File "BOOT" is then run again and only LRUNs "BOOT2" (since AFAIK there is no way of changing from SMSQ to QDOS without manually RESETing the machine). Since it obviously takes some time to activate TK2 (automatically or otherwise) would it be quicker to load TK2 along with all the other required extension (in "BOOT2") provided no TK2 "EXTRAS" are required before then?

In this case the Super Gold Card toolkit 2 disappears and SMSQ/E takes over the machine. SMSQ/E has its own Toolkit 2 extensions built in, so you won't need to find a way of reinstalling the toolkit 2 extensions or load it from disk - in fact it's better not to try this in case any of the old "QDOS" toolkit 2 extensions work a little differently to SMSQ/E toolkit 2 extensions in any way. Just accept that once you are in SMSQ/E (all versions) you automatically have toolkit 2.

When a SB program is EXECd (from SMSQ) I have noticed that it too becomes resident in the same way as an LRUN SB program. Does this mean that the EXECd program also becomes Job0?
Umm, not quite sure what you mean here. Generally, if you EXEC a SBASIC program in SMSQ/E systems, it usually becomes a SEPARATE basic job, i.e. might be Job 1, Job 2, etc (if you list the running job with the JOBS command you'll see more than one basic program, usually job 0 has no name, while the second, third etc might have the names SBASIC - showing that you now have two instances of BASIC running. After entering the JOBS command:

Job Tag Owner Priority Job-Name
0    0     0        32
1   1     0         s127     HOTKEY
2   2     0         s8        SBASIC

Job 0 is always the one available when SMSQ/E starts. This cannot be removed manually (unless you seriously crash it in which case it probably takes the whole of smsq/e with it, a Dilwyn-style programming crash!!!)

Be a little bit careful about assuming that executed basic programs will always start a new job. It depends how you go about it. On my system I use fileinfo 2 and executing an sbasic program from disk with the QPAC2 Files menu will simply cause it to be executed in the main Job0, hence the possible source of confusion. Executing them with an EXEC or EX command from the basic job0 command line will create aa new sbasic job. Executing them with Qpac2 FIles menu, Launchpad basic launcher etc is not so easy, it depends on the setup on that system. If you want to be sure (and it will help show what happens) issue an SBASIC command first to start a new sbasic daughter job and LOAD or EXEC the program from there. At this point it starts to get a little confusing, I know. Basically, LOAD or QLOAD will start the program in the same job. EXEC or EX might create a new job.

Can anyone see why this sequence of programs {which I am confident will run on both QDOS and SMSQ on the Auroras} should not run exactly the same under QPC2 on my Vista PCs? (which is the original point I raised with my existing programs).
Not really. All you can do is trial and error - remove one set of extensions at a time to see if removing one cures the problem, and test for individual extensions one at a time until you find the one which causes the problem. Time consuming, but the only way you'll pin it down.

After the discussion on EXTRAS, Marcel explained that although a little problem with EXTRAS had been fixed for an older version of SMSQ/E, it is working fine now as long as you remember that if you LRESPR extensions in a separate daughter job (Job number not zero in a JOBS list, e.g. Job number 2), only the daughter job will know about those (in this case, as Job 2 loaded it, only Job 2 sees it - the SBASIC manual calls them LOCAL to one particular job). But if you LRESPR them into Job0, then ALL daughter jobs should be able to see the extensions. There is one little proviso for this. LRESPR can't be used to install system-wide extensions from any job other than job 0 - the SBASIC manual cites menu_rext and QTYP as examples. But if extensions are loaded from Job 0 there's no issues like this, all jobs should eb able to see them in their EXTRAS list.

The only way I can see extensions disappearing like the problem you are having is:

(1) a rogue extension (can only be established by the one step at a time trial and error described above to isolate the particular one)

(2) LRESPR used on SOME systems where a job other than job 0 is already running - where the particular version of LRESPR tries to use the equivalent of ALCHP instead of the equivalent of RESPR. If so, a subsequent LOAD or NEW or whatever might make the extension disappear as it was in the common heap memory instead of in the RESPR area where it belongs. Extremely unlikely on modern systems, LRESPR usually gives a 'Not complete' error if another job is running.

(3) If you use RESPR/LBYTES/CALL instead of LRESPR, the number of bytes given to RESPR has to be at least as long as the extension, otherwise the next RESPR might overwrite part of the previous thing you LBYTEd. Usually only happens when extensions get updated by the author and change length and you forget to change the RESPR statement.

Did you try changing the extension checked for from "Q_L" to something else to see if all extensions are affected or does it just happen to be that particular QLiberator one?

Dilwyn Jones

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