Op Tue, 17 Nov 2009 11:40:37 +0100 schreef John Gilpin <thegilp...@btinternet.com>:

Is there a reliable way of listing all the 'extras' currently loaded and
is there a way of getting a list of 'extras' each extension should load
- say from the .bin file that is being LRESPRd?. This would be useful in
determining whether an extension will overwrite a particular entry
already loaded.

There is a program ListNames.obj by Adrian Ives that will list all keywords in an extension file.
Although I found it doesn't work on some of them.
I can't recall where I picked it up from the net, probably Dilwyns site.

Also HyperHelp from JMS will print all loaded keywords and it comes with text files for many of them, explaining the sytax (and I have added a few myself).
I think Q-Help from Rich Mellor does a similar job, a bit differently.

In my BOOT I create a log file of all the loaded extension files:
LRESPR "extension1_bin": PRINT #chan;"extension1_bin"
REM repeat for each one
CLOSE #chan
COPY_O "ram1_extension_log" TO "win1_System_extension_log"

My BOOT file allows me to step trough the loading process to skip certain extensions for testing.


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