Arnould wrote:
On Sat, 13 Mar 2010 20:23:47 +0000, Tony Firshman wrote
<copying exercise for Winchester Research Unit>
Another great QDOS feature I discovered which saved loads of time. I used:

10 FORMAT ram1_mdv1_
15 WSTAT ram1_
30 WCOPY ram1_ to flp2_f05_2_
35 STAT flp2_
40 ed 30

I did the ED 30 so I could edit for the next mdv.
Now what I didn't expect was that after down arrow to save the line, when I pressed ESC there was another implicit RUN!

OK 'RUN<enter>' isn't a load of typing by itself, but when one has maybe 350 microdrives it IS, especially as sometimes one has to run dozens of times to eventually read some files.

Excellent! It really works. But is it by design or by chance?

The ESC is trapped by ED I suppose, but why does the program not simply stop? If I had thought more deeply, I would have added "50 GOTO 5" but it is not necessary.

Why does it work indeed?


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