Phil Kett wrote:

> There are devices available that will take a scart RGB signal and
> convert it so that it will work on a modern SVGA or LCD monitor.
> Here's one from Maplins.

Have you actually tried with a QL?

My experience with similar converters:

- Part of the 512x256 screen is cut off
- Screen sometimes "jumps" vertically

Not being able to connect the QL to a modern monitor is a major problem. 
Sometimes I even considered to build a QL video card to overcome this.

Miguel Angel Rodriguez Jodar wrote:

> On the other way, I've managed to work it out using a RGB-to-VGA
> converter, as used for connecting JAMMA boards to VGA monitors.

Did you have to use the QL in TV mode or did full 512x256 work?
Which QL did you use?

All the best, Peter

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