Thanks Tony

> You are right in assuming modern drives are seen as flp2_.
> It may have a DS jumper somewhere if you want flp1_.  These now are
> generally solder jumpers on the pcb, but it may have external links.

One of my three drives does have the solder pad to change the setting
but I would be perfectly happy with a flp2_ :)

> Maybe the interface is simply not working or (more likely) does not like the
> drive.  It also is worth trying with an old drive - I bet London Quanta have
> some, but maybe you are in Italy!

I tested with three quite recent drives and none of them worked
properly in either slot so it might very well be the case that the i/f
card doesn't like the drives. I guess I'll have to try to find an
older drive somewhere or sort out the pin assignment and see if there
is something that can be done on that front.

The Cumana manual does offer this bit of information which may or may
not be relevant with the new floppy drives but I'm not yet sure what
the implication is:
"It is a requirement that disk drives used with this version of the
disk driver should be set to have the motor on when provided with a
'motor on' signal and there is a disk in the drive. Drives which turn
the motor off when the drive is not selected will not give reliable

The above paragraph is the reason why I would be interested to know
which pin on the Cumana i/f provides the "motor on" signal :) I'll see
if I can plug in a multimeter to see what happens on the pins when the
card accesses the drive.

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