Hi Tobias,

Per, all,
Even if I personally prefer any printed matter to .PDFs, (There's simply places you won't take your computer for reading...), another word on that:
Me too - and that was the essence from our readers when we did the survey some years ago. An electronic version should not replace the paper version completely, otherwise we would have too many unhappy readers. It could only be an additional feature.

if I recall it right (It's been years since I have last used Calamus) the in-built PS driver did _not_ do the RIPping, but instead relied on Calamus to send already pixelized data - I'm afraid we'd (again) end up with huge, unsearchable bitmaps, something wich is barely an improvement upon simple scanning.
This is what I keep saying.

Opposed to that (also from limited memory) Bridge Pro, went in /before/ the actual image processing and should be able to export much smaller, and also searchable files.
A bit of searching reveals _this_ (German, unfortunately):

(It's not free, but Jochen mentioned he'd be willing to support the maintenance of that software... ;-) Ideally, he'd find some other supporters in the QL Toady audience, I guess)
Thanks. We found this already.
No, it is not free ... and there is no demo, unfortunately. Bridge lite is part of the delivery, but I cannot test the pdf there. PDF is only available in the full version. Let's see if we find supporters...

Cheers  Jochen

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