Petri Pellinen wrote, on 26/Oct/10 22:30 | Oct26:
Hello everyone,

just to lighten the mood here with all the talk about doing the taxes
and so forth... I thought to amuse you with something totally

Here's a pic of of a prototype of a wonderful new peripheral for the

And yes, it actually does something. This bad boy can display a byte
decoded as BCD on its glorious two digit LED display:

Showing the result of "poke 99072,66" :-D

Learning electronics with the QL is loads of fun. There was a *lot* to
learn for a software guy just to be able to do this one simple thing
in hardware. Now that the hard part of interfacing with the QL is
halfway there (no reads yet, just writes...) rest of the way to a
fully working ethernet adapter should be easy ;-) Really looking
forward to replacing pretty much all of the 74xx logic circuitry with
a single Xilinx CPLD and starting to work towards hooking this baby to
an Arduino microcontroller. Next week's agenda is building a JTAG
adapter for the Xilinx chip so that I can program it. Whoops, need to
learn Verilog first. Well, that's part of the fun :)

I am *sure* you know the significance of '42' - the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything.

It is the result of a 2 million year program (the world) to work out the result of 6 x 9.

... and it got the wrong answer.

Douglas Adams was approached by a student who said he had found out the logic behind it. 42 in base 13 *is* 54 in decimal.

"What a coincidence" said Douglas Adams


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