Petri Pellinen wrote:
> just to lighten the mood here with all the talk about doing 
> the taxes and so forth... I thought to amuse you with 
> something totally ridiculous.
> Here's a pic of of a prototype of a wonderful new peripheral for the
> QL:
> And yes, it actually does something. This bad boy can display 
> a byte decoded as BCD on its glorious two digit LED display:
> Showing the result of "poke 99072,66" :-D

> Learning electronics with the QL is loads of fun. There was a 
> *lot* to learn for a software guy just to be able to do this 
> one simple thing in hardware. Now that the hard part of 
> interfacing with the QL is halfway there (no reads yet, just 
> writes...) rest of the way to a fully working ethernet 
> adapter should be easy ;-) Really looking forward to 
> replacing pretty much all of the 74xx logic circuitry with a 
> single Xilinx CPLD and starting to work towards hooking this 
> baby to an Arduino microcontroller. Next week's agenda is 
> building a JTAG adapter for the Xilinx chip so that I can 
> program it. Whoops, need to learn Verilog first. Well, that's 
> part of the fun :)
If I had the time I would like to do such self-study experiments too.

Keep on going!


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