Dilwyn Jones wrote, on 11/Jan/11 13:29 | Jan11:
Rich Mellor wrote, on 11/Jan/11 12:13 | Jan11:
after all, Miracle's hard disk did
still allow use of a ROM cartridge (from memory) although I may be wrong
It did. I remember he had designed it around the std eprom pack, and I
had to file the case to fit a full width romdisq card.

Speaking of the romdisq, I wonder how practical it might be to adapt the
romdisq drivers for Peter's card reader? I appreciate that (a) TT would
probably charge for this, and (b) it might conflict with Peter's "Open
Source" principles.

"Card reader" - I didn't read in detail, but will it be read only? I assumed read/write.

Romdisq auto-load drivers will not fit in an unexpanded QL. I believe he needed quite a large data buffer in ram, certainly, I would have thought, at least one 64kB block. I have no documentation for TTs driver code.

It did strike me that Peter's hope to use it in a std QL might not be straightforward. Even if the drivers fit, will there be enough memory left to do anything useful?


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