Plastic wrote:

Apologies for the off-topicness, but one thing I'd like to see from Turbo or other compilers is a "command maker" that can take a PROCedure or FuNction, compile it, and package it up so it can be loaded to extend

Works with QLib (and also Turbo, I think). With QLib, if you start such a "resident" extension, it results in creating a JOB (even if without windows), so I think, not quite what you want.

For Turbo, there is a utility called Task Commander which takes an executable program and repackages it to make it into a keyword. As Ralf says, the file can be LRESPR'ed but becomes a job when the keyword is called (like an EX or EW depending on whether a comma is added to the command name).

Task Commander is among the "Turbo Extras" package on the Turbo page of my website or from the Scottish QL Users Group site at

It's a long time since I last used Task Commander, so I don't know if it works with current versions of Turbo. Maybe George can confirm this (as he updates Turbo nowadays).

An interesting feature of SMSQ/E you don't often see mentioned is the facility to link in modules - in this way you can have extensions like Turbo Toolkit linked to SMSQ/E as a module, making it a semi-permanent (if there's such a word) addition to SMSQ/E). This might be a way for those who would prefer SMSQ/E to be totally free to add software which could become part of SMSQ/E without being hampered by licensing and free distribution issues. From memory, I think there is an issue with self-modifying code when you do this, but I think there was a way around even that IIRC.

I've never really used the facility, but there is some documentation about this on my website, which includes how to set it up, header formats etc at

Dilwyn Jones

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