----- Original Message ----- From: "Norman Dunbar" <nor...@dunbar-it.co.uk>
To: <ql-us...@q-v-d.com>
Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2011 11:51 AM
Subject: [Ql-Users] What would you most like to see in a new version ofQDOSMSQ?

I may regret starting this, but as the subject says, what would you like
to see in QDOSMSQ given that we were starting from scratch with the
intention of writing a completely new OS?

Disclaimer: No, I'm NOT thinking of writing one!

For me, the following:

* Ability to hook into the OS from any language, Basic, Assembler, C,

* A windowing system that is simple to use. From any language.

* Libraries that applications can link to at run time, as opposed to
static linking at compile time.

* Multitasking, obviously!

* A file system that is not restricted to 36 characters. See
for a pseudo-rant on the matter.

* Industry standard floating point format.

* Industry standard graphics format(s) - PNG, for example. JPG if we
must! SVG would be nice.

* Speed and efficiency! ;-)


Norman Dunbar
Dunbar IT Consultants Ltd

Registered address:
Thorpe House
61 Richardshaw Lane
West Yorkshire
United Kingdom
LS28 7EL

Company Number: 05132767
QL-Users Mailing List

I would like to be able to do something like:

PRINT #3,HEX$(a)

which would write an ASCII string of the form $xxxxxxxxxxxx which would be the internal representation of the floating point value.

In reverse, something like:

INPUT #3,a$
LET a=REAL(a$,0)

would recover the original value. The second argument is the value to be returned if the first argument is garbage or NAN. Omitting the second argument would return an error instead.

Why do I want this?
PUT writes in binary. An ASCII representation would allow the full internal precision to be preserved in an easily viewed/edited format.

I know this could be done in S*BASICusing PEEK/POKE but an efficient built-in would be useful.


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