Rich Mellor wrote, on 3/Feb/11 12:21 | Feb3:
We have now managed to resurrect an early example of the Sinclair QL
home computer as it was first unveiled to the expectant media, complete
with the slow v1 Psion software and the infamous Dongle (or Kludge)
which contained one third of the QL's operating system.

In 26 years of being involved with the QL, this is the first example we
have ever come across and we have managed to resurrect it, complete with
early microdrive units and the AH operating system and very early First
Edition manual (predates the First Edition dated 6/84).

All of these machines were sent back to Sinclair for upgrades (to
replace the operating system with one needing two ROM chips fitted
internally, plus various hardware modifications to make the QL more
reliable and even useable!).

We even found one of the three EPROM chips required for the PM version
of QDOS. Unfortunately, the other two chips (and their code) are missing.

PM was one of the earliest versions of QDOS (pre-release).

It was followed by FB which may never have left the factory - we know
that Psion had to alter their boot programs to cope with the difference
in the AT command in the FB ROM compared to later QL ROMs (they didn't
bother checking for the earlier PM ROM). No-one else had to make this
change or ever use it, so it looks as though by the time the public got
their hands on the QL, the operating system was at least AH (which was
soon followed by JM, JS and MG ROMs).
I got mine in June 1984 and it wasn't AH. I think it may well have been FB. The post office lost it on its way back to Sinclair!



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