On 12/04/2011 11:16, Adrian Ives wrote:

It is with regret that I have to announce that I am withdrawing support for
Ser-USB on QL hardware without superHermes (or better) enhanced serial

As of today the Queue Manager installable module, whose primary purpose was
to support the base QL configuration, is also withdrawn.  A final version
had been developed which incoporated a completely new method of IOSS retry
integration that seemed to be working extremely well.  Much better, in fact,
than any previous version - but once again the design of QDOS and the
inherent unreliability of the standard serial ports prevented it from being
useable.  I have therefore decided that enough is - very definitely -
It has been a long and very costly process attempting to develop this
driver, and with next to no interest in the device as a commercial
proposition I can no longer devote resources to any further work.  I will
make the final Release Candidate (#3) available to beta testers later today.

My plan is to make the public release of the (enhanced serial hardware only)
driver available on the 1st of May, at which time the source code of the
core driver will also be released into the public domain.

I can understand the issues with getting this to work on a standard QL, when I have some Hermes in stock, I will be able to loan you a chip, so that you could try the device with the standard Hermes chip, as this may resolve the issues (at least it is worth a try if you like).

Don't take the lack of communication to be lack of interest in the overall hardware solution - certainly it would be nice to provide as an alternative option for transferring files to and from the QL. To a large extent, part of your main audience for these devices are probably not people on the ql-users mailing list.

Adrian, will anyone be taking one of these to the Quanta AGM this coming weekend to show how they work as this will elicit more interest I am sure?

Unfortunately, I don't have a QL with SuperHERMES to try it on - I know Tony has been working to make some more SuperHERMES chips, but was unfortunately not able to complete them in time for the AGM.


Rich Mellor
RWAP Services


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