Adrian Ives wrote:
> I know the Ser-USB works with superHermes and works very 
> well.  Hermes is an unknown because I have never seen one, 
> but it would be useful to test it.
> In any event it's not just the hardware itself; the driver 
> for the serial port also plays a part.
I'm following your development with great interest. As said a while ago in a
pm "Great work"!

It's sad you decided to skip standard QL serial ports support. Maybe you can
rethink the story as I see big chances for Ser-UsbWiz spreading. I'm
following the world-wide Retro-Scene where collectors exchange (sell/buy)
working QL's in a rate of approximately 3 QL's a week. Many of those newbies
are interested not only to collect the machine but also to fire some
software. As almost all second hand microdrive cartridges are in such a bad
condition that they refuse to load those people have no other chance that to
put the QL on their shelves as eye-catcher only. Even I'm also not going for
the sake of Mammon, I see a market for Ser-UsbWiz. Think of easy loading
SD-cards with QL software and up you go. Maybe you can develop the driver in
a way that for standard QL serial ports it runs in a throttled/safe mode
with reduced performance. What about 4800, 2400 or even 1200 baud for such

Hermes is another story. Even it is the same Intel 8049 chip as the QL's IPC
it has completely rewritten IPC firmware which makes the QL's serial ports
performing a lot better. If you cannot support the crappy standard QL
configuration, maybe you can the Hermes configuration.

It would be great if someone (Tony, Rich) could borrow Adrian a Hermes chip.

Thank you and QL forever!

Cheers, Urs

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