At 13:37 08/07/2011 +0200, you wrote:

do you still have it or at least have a picture of it which you would share
with the ql-users?
Regards, Urs

You point to the serious deficiency of this list, no pix.

Last time I sent you some you failed to acknowledge reciept, and prior to that you denied the veracity of the description.

The eye of an expert failed to observe my modification of moving the polarising slot.

In any event the m/c is long gone, no pic taken, all well before digicams.

My only QLs left are a monster in an attache size case and one to sit in the palm of my hand, I do want to take pix, and indeed have thoughts of writing up my "meander thru the pooters"., but geriatrics move slowly.

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