On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 3:38 PM, John Alexander
<acontractor...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> So what are you writing this Game in and what exactly are you having 
> difficulty in processing within this "1 second". With out knowing this I 
> think any advice would be
> opinion at best.

The first program is a game, pure and simple. Based on the Lunar
Lander idea, you control a ship with limited fuel - you are presented
with a solar system of moving gravitational bodies, and you must fly
missions from body to body without running out of fuel. So, for
example, you might have to fly from a small world to a large one,
therefore need to save your fuel for the landing portion, whilst
avoiding two black holes and an asteroid belt, or you might have to
land on a comet, then change its orbit to collide with a moon, etc.
It's pretty, and requires some thought in play.

There is some thought of maybe adding an Elite-esque trading element
between worlds, to buy fuel...

The model is super-realistic - it allows for the n-body problem, has
variable thrust, and the ship accelerates more for a given thrust as
it gets lighter/burns fuel. There are some worlds were your ship is
simply too heavy with fuel tanks to take off.

The second program is an Air Traffic Control simulator.

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