In message <>, Stephen Usher <> writes

On 07/10/2011 19:48, Malcolm Cadman wrote:
With, the QL, at the time of manufacture, it was the lack of a floppy
disk drive (in favour of the micro drives).

Erm, yes, there was the lack of a floppy drive, but then there was the foolish decision of make the over-worked keyboard controller chip also do sound and RS232 receiving. It wouldn't have cost much more per unit to put a proper DART in the machine to handle the serial communications.

Basically, Sir Clive wasn't like Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs was a perfectionist with an eye for detail. Sir Clive has lots of ideas, most of which involve either making things smaller (even to the detriment of their function) and electric vehicles. He gets bored quickly and wants to move on and sell things before they're properly ready for market.

Steve Jobs also had his flaws, we all do, but putting half-baked ideas into market wasn't one of them.


Yes, it became an "if only", with Sir Clive ... if only he had done this or done that .....

On the whole, Steve Jobs, did a good job with most of the products he brought to market.

Malcolm Cadman
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