On 2 May 2012, at 09:55, Norman Dunbar wrote:

> When setting up a window, how do I set a couple of the loose items to 
> unavailable? I know how to do it in the working definition after the window 
> has been set up, but I think I need to do it in the status area before I call 
> WM_SETUP? If so, what's the offset for the loose items into that area as 
> opposed to the working definition? Or are they the same? I can't find 
> anything in the QPTR docs.

If you use SETW to set the window you will find that the area for the status 
block and the loose item block immediately following are defined by

wst     ds.b    <the number of bytes>

The status area is $40 bytes long so that the loose item status block starts at 
wst + $40.

Since the combined block is defined by ds,b there is no guarantee that all the 
values are zero. For that reason in my examples I clear the whole area thus 
setting all loose items to available. This clearing is done before the working 
definition is set up. To set a loose item to unavailable you just have to set 
the appropriate byte to $10.


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