On 11/05/12 14:55, Dilwyn Jones wrote:
Don't. Having just spent time this weekend trying to help someone (who
is a programmer!) work out why his style sheets didn't work on Internet
Exploder, that was painful to read.

By "don't" do you mean "don't ever use IE for web browsing" or "don't bother to try and fix the web page to cater for IE users"? ;-)
I wish I could say both. Trouble was, as it was a trader website, he was worried about losing half of his sales if half the users couldn't use it properly.

Did you manage to get your programmer's style sheets to work at all?
Yes, by simplifying it. While there was no doubt it looked good on other browsers, it was barely usable on IE. ANyway, he asked me to test it so I threw IE at it and, well, you can guess the rest.

There are some pretty good web sites out there that have lists of "hacks" that are required in many versions of IE to get it to do what other browsers do with standard CSS.
Thank goodness for forums! (and while I'm at it thank goodness for QL Forum which is doing a brilliant job for QL users and finding the occasional new QL).

It took a while to fix the CSS and it wasn't down to any one major thing, but rather lots of little things. It still only 99% works, but that's a damn sight better than before the weekend.

I found a couple of sites out there which will test how your pages look on various browsers. In his case I think it would have lead to a bout of depression, though!

I'm afraid that IE is quickly becoming the "Ford Edzel" of the browser world.
And I'm quickly catching up with you on opinions on this score.

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