On Fri, Jun 8, 2012 at 6:13 AM, Dave Park <plasticu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 8, 2012 at 6:09 AM, Tobias Fröschle
> <tobias.froesc...@t-online.de> wrote:
>> Am 08.06.2012 um 12:54 schrieb Dave Park:
>>> On Fri, Jun 8, 2012 at 5:25 AM, Dilwyn Jones
>>> <dil...@evans1511.fsnet.co.uk> wrote:
>>>> Anyone else having problems accessing QL Forum?
>>>> When I try this morning I get the error
>>>> General Error
>>>> SQL ERROR [ mysql4 ]
>>>> Table ‘./qlforum_phpbb/phpbb_sessions’ is marked as crashed and should be 
>>>> repaired [145]
>>>> An sql error occurred while fetching this page.
>>>> If Rob or Pete are reading this, perhaps you could take a look to see?
>>>> Dilwyn Jones
>>> I'm getting that too. Looks like they need to fix their database just
>>> a little bit.
>>> And just when I was about to ask a question that suits the forum, but
>>> would get me a pat on the head here! ;)
>>> The question is: is their a limit on the size of a value that can be
>>> handled by DIV?
>>> Example:
>>> tempsecs=999999 --- no problem
>>> days=tempsecs DIV 86400 --- overflows if tempsecs>=32768
>>> Another oddity I discovered:
>>> If I create a REPeat loop thus:
>>> 100 Frame=0 : Keypress=0
>>> 110 REPEAT loop
>>> 120   a$=INKEY$
>>> 130   Frame=Frame+1
>>> 140   IF a$<>"" THEN Keypress=Keypress+1
>>> 150   AT 0,0 : PRINT Frame, Keypress
>>> 160 END REPeat loop
>>> ...I reasonably expect that when a key is pressed, the Keypress value
>>> will increase in step with the Frame value (every time the loop
>>> repeats, a keypress is detected) but no. I can type run, and hold down
>>> the enter key, and Frame will increment 55 times for each detected
>>> Keypress. It seems INKEY$ is limited to approx 15 keyboard scans/sec.
>>> On my original QL, with or without GC, they increment together, 1:1.
>>> Q-EmuLator 1.1, JS ROM
>>> Just throwing that in here, completely off topic ;)
>>> Dave, "playing with stuff"
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>> Dave,
>> Question I:
>> "DIV" is an INTEGER divide. Will only work on INTEGERs in the range -32768 
>> to +32767 (while I seem to recall that -32768 DIV x doesn't work on some ROM 
>> versions)
>> Cheers,
>> Tobias
> I don't see an FP version of DIV. Is there one?
> Dave

To answer my own question, hours=INT(tempsecs/3600) works fine :)

Yay programming at 6:30am on no sleep!

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