Dilwyn Jones wrote:
> Before I reinvent the wheel and OCR my Easyptr manual to use on my
> eBook reader, has anyone else already done this?
> The Easyptr commands are the hardest syntax to remember of all the
> BASIC extensions, I think!

After reading this I checked in my usual directories and found
nothing, thus I assumed I don't have it either... only slowly and
after a mail from Jochen came the realization that not only should I
have a copy, I actually spent hour after hour re-formating and
updating that thing back then! I completely blocked that out of my
mind... almost scary ;)

Long story short, my files were somehow lost, but as my eMail archive
is complete and as I did send some version around one time or another
I did manage to dig up the current PDF and an outdated OpenOffice
version. Using the latest PDF I retrofitted the changes to the OO
document, fixing some other minor things I found as I went along and
lo and behold, the result can be downloaded from my site unter
SMSQ/E-Development: http://www.kilgus.net/smsqe/development.html

Have fun.

Cheers, Marcel

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