Before I reinvent the wheel and OCR my Easyptr manual to use on my
eBook reader, has anyone else already done this?

The Easyptr commands are the hardest syntax to remember of all the
BASIC extensions, I think!

After reading this I checked in my usual directories and found
nothing, thus I assumed I don't have it either... only slowly and
after a mail from Jochen came the realization that not only should I
have a copy, I actually spent hour after hour re-formating and
updating that thing back then! I completely blocked that out of my
mind... almost scary ;)

Long story short, my files were somehow lost, but as my eMail archive
is complete and as I did send some version around one time or another
I did manage to dig up the current PDF and an outdated OpenOffice
version. Using the latest PDF I retrofitted the changes to the OO
document, fixing some other minor things I found as I went along and
lo and behold, the result can be downloaded from my site unter

Have fun.

Cheers, Marcel
Thank you Marcel - my eBook reader can handle PDFs so this should work OK for me.

Dilwyn Jones
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