>----- Original Message -----
>From: Ian Burkinshaw <ian.burkins...@btopenworld.com>
>To: ql-us...@q-v-d.com
>Sent: Wednesday, 27 March 2013, 19:19
>Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] QL Today
>Thankyou to everybody for correcting my grammer, I am now considered told off.
>Back to QLToday. Question, how do we get more people to write stuff ?
>It is clear from the posts on here, that there is still a good following and 
>lots of good stuff going on. But it does not all get written up for >the wider 
>Seems to me, down to a very small number that contribute. One item from every 
>QL user would keep us going for years. But we have >all seen the appeals for 
>material, and nothing seems to come.
>To use the buzz word from my own industry (Broadcast TV), it's all down to 
>content. We need content.


On a personal note I'm terrible at thinking of things to write about so maybe 
people thinking up topics would be good. The hardest bit for me is just to 
start typing out something. Or what would people like to see reviewed etc? We 
have lots of interesting characters in the QL scene with a long history so 
maybe regular interview columns or old tales etc?   

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