Fabrizio Diversi wrote
I still use QL derivatives for different purposes but what a pity we dont have an email program and a web browser suite. In the past I wrote
I missed this email when you first sent it.

To send an email from QPC via Windows, just use QPC_EXEC like this:

QPC_EXEC "mailto:n...@domain.co.uk?subject=Test";

and replace n...@domain.co.uk with a real email address, and the word Test with whatever subject name you want. I find this handy for sending emails to QL-Users list and other people I email regularly. It can be set up on a hotkey, for example:

ERT HOT_CMD('e','QPC_EXEC "mailto:n...@domain.co.uk"; ')

Daresay I could use this in the Copyright or Help menus in QL software to provide a means of sending feedback or help requests to the author. I'm sure someone on the QL scene has already used this in a QL program. I think it might have been Per Witte but can't remember which program.

Gives me a nice feeling that Windoze is under QPC control ;-))

Dilwyn Jones
QL-Users Mailing List

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