On 10/07/2013 15:18, Marcel Kilgus wrote:
Surprise! It only took 6 years, but finally there is another official
beta of QPC ;-) Don't hesitate because it's called a "beta", it's very
stable, I only want people to test the new keyboard driver first
before calling it a release.

It includes the latest SMSQ/E v3.16.

New features:
   - Added new keyboard driver that doesn't rely on DirectX anymore.
     DirectX support in Windows became worse and worse over the years,
     so now QPC can use the Windows keyboard driver. Much work has been
     but into this feature to be as compatible as possible, so I hope
     it works for all countries and that even KEYROW continues to make
     some sense.
     SMSQ/E keyboard tables like the ones created by Clavier will NOT
     work with this driver, but the old driver is still in there, just
     select "SMSQ/E" as the keyboard driver in the configuration

   - Basic support for floppy disc images. Images can be configured on
     boot but currently not changed afterwards.

   - Various bug fixes including a probably more stable screen driver.

   - Some CPU fixes thanks to George Gwilt.

While I'm at it, does anybody still use the fullscreen mode? I'm
considering moving away from DirectX completely, which would also get
rid of native full screen mode. But in times of LCDs it's probably not
that important anymore anyway.

Download link: http://www.kilgus.net/qpc/downloads.html

Cheers, Marcel

I havent been able to test it before now, and only scantly at that.

My machines now run Windoze 7, either 64bit or 32bit versions. I struggled a bit to configure SMSQE, as none of the changes I made to it via the QPC configuration screen, nor the MenuConfig application seemed to get saved. So after some faffing around, unsure of whether Id downloaded the Demo by mistake or what, I figured out the problem and a solution. W7 wont allow just any program to make changes to files in the Program Files directory. One solution is to copy the smsqe.bin file to a harmless temporary folder and update it there using MenuConfig, and then move it back to the correct location.

Regarding your question about full screen mode [FSM], I prefer FSM on my laptops, but find it gets too big and unwieldy on my large display. Of course there are limitations/irritations whan using the current FSM, such as when using Remote Desktop Connection, and sometimes when coming out of sleep mode. FSM gives the feeling of running a real, top-notch QL, though, which is why I prefer it. I guess I can learn to live without..

One problem with W7 I find, is that M$ seems to have a new policy when updating the OS: It can update quietly when you arent looking and shut down/restart the computer without user consent! I suppose it is possible to alter this behaviour (though I havent tried, as I have more and more given up the struggle to maintain my system manually in accordance with my own idiosynchratic requirements in the teeth of Windoze's reluctant cooperation!)

Therefore my question is: Is it very difficult or a great deal of work to make smsqe hibernate? QPC could then react to a shut down request from Windoze by saving its own state before quitting. On restarting QPC (or any other platform) one would have the choice of resuming the previous session or starting afresh.

Whatever the answer to the question above: QPC is still the best QL Ive ever had the pleasure of using, so THANK YOU VERY MUCH, MARCEL!


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