On a personal note, as the first editor of the magazine, it was so nice
that the last words on the back cover of the very last issue were in
Welsh, not sure of that was a subtle and personal note or not, but in
case it was (and knowing Geoff it might well have been) thanks for that
and for the number of times my name appears in this last issue.

It was me actually and it was deliberate, of course :)

I very much hope that Jochen, Bruce and Geoff will remain involved with
the QL for some time to come.

I can only speak for myself, but yes, I will... it was a hard decision
giving up QL Today, but I still use QPC every day.
I also plan to start (learn?) programming in assembler again ...
not having done this for over 10 years - and I also miss it.

Thanks guys, I will miss QL Today.

Thanks Dilwyn, I'm sure I'll miss it too.

Cheers   Jochen

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