On 24/10/2013 11:48, Rich Mellor wrote:
On 24/10/2013 08:11, Dave Park wrote:
It sounds like Rich is making a proposition that Quanta should at least
investigate, without individuals shooting it down in flames. One thing it
does is give Quanta access to a lot of Sinclair fans who aren't QLers -
which is the best form of advertising for the QL there is.



I don't think that Geoff was trying to shoot the proposal down in flames - I just don't think he probably quite understood the proposal.

I understand that the Chairman of Quanta is currently away and hopefully we can get some comments from Quanta next week

Let's not confuse two entirely separate things.

When I write I am writing purely about whether or not Quanta will celebrate 30 QL years. What Rich does is between him and Quanta. You cannot hold a Quanta QLis30 event if only two members of Quanta have to attend.

Best Wishes,

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