Thanks for the email. You have raised a lot of important points.

On 31/03/2014 09:56, Colin Mckay wrote:
The latest suggestion was that in terms of a meeting room, the event would
extend over one day, i.e. a Saturday.

Supposing the hours will be between 10am until 6pm, i.e. 8 hours, how will
the various topics suggested by Geoff relate to each other in terms of time,
and sound interference?
This is not possible to say at this stage. It depends on who attends and what they have to offer. Not everyone is happy to give a presentation - some may prefer to give demonstrations at their table. At QL2004 and QLis21 I had two software authors whose work I wanted to profile, but both disliked public speaking. They agreed to let me present their programs and to be present to correct me if I made mistakes and to answer any questions.

How to divide the time is one of the great problems. A criticism of QLis21 is that there was too much planned. I had planned a mixture of technical and general items and expected people to choose what they attended. In practice this did not work out. For example Dilwyn and Marcel had a full hall for a presentation on EasyPtr.
An outside interest  could be introduced in the form of a talk from a member
of Edinburgh University's Computing Department on general computer
developments, just to give the boffins of the QL world something to aim for,
also general interest.
A good suggestion and not ruled out. Anyone any ideas?

Will the event be open to the public? If so, then a two day meeting could be
more appropriate with only one day open to the public. QL people would be
needed to deal with the public. SQLUG can provide at best only four members,
unless some coffin lids will be prised open.

In principle QL shows are open to everyone.

I am not happy with two day events because my experience is that the second day tends to be a downer. At QLis21 people worked very hard on the first day and were tired as a result. Many enjoyed a relaxation in the bar after the show dinner and some overindulged. The next day few people ate breakfast. Most got up after 10.00 and went straight home. I had just 8 people for my GD2 colour tutorial that today is one of the most popular items on my website.

It is harder to find venues for two days and I suspect they are the more expensive venues.
Colin McKay

34 Taylor Avenue         Tel/fax  01505 70 4471




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