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Am 15. Juni 2014 10:15:18 schrieb Geoff Wicks <>:

The QLis30 web page is now online:

It is permissible to download the logo at the top of the page and place it on your own website provided a link to QLis30 is added (hint! hint!).

Just a word about tables because I caused a bit of a stir when I last mentioned this. When you see the hall you will realise why I am calling QLis30 a workshop and not a show. The hall is smaller than would be usual for a typical Quanta style QL show and this means there is a limit on the number of tables we shall have.

Priority will have to be given to the hardware people as they have lots to demonstrate. To be fair to all the non hardware people I am thinking of setting up a largish "communal hot table" so there will be space to work on your laptop etc. for an hour or so even if you have no table of your own,

Best wishes,

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