Op Mon, 09 May 2016 19:04:06 +0200 schreef John Gilpin <thegilp...@btinternet.com>:

Some weeks ago, I asked if anyone could assist me with a problem I am having, - The menu I developed about a year ago in EasyMenu, will not go back into the programme giving an error report - "Menu file is too big to go into the available Work Space! Press any Key.

The only suggestion I had was to try using MenuConfig on the EASYMENU programme and make the Work Space as large as it will go. I have done this but the only options available in MenuConfig for Work Space are:- "none" "small" and "big". Having tried all three options, I am still unable to get the menu file back into the prog so that I can edit it.

My only solution seems to be to develop the Menu again - What a bind!!

Has anyone got any serious answers and/or suggestions?

Thanks in anticipation.:-[

In your original email you said to be working with EasyPTR4 but the options "big, small, none" are for EasyMenu v3 and not v4.
So trying to fit a v4 menu into a v3 EasyMenu may not be a good thing.
In v4 you can specify width and height up to 4096 (as Francois suggested) although I am not sure what happens if you config more than the screen allows, probably v4 addapts.


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