I'm trying to write a standard routine for scaling the menu, which has not
the bugs from that proposed in the manual
the last hint form Per is perfect!

2016-08-10 0:01 GMT+02:00 pjwitte <pjwi...@online.no>:

> On 06/08/2016 15:09, pjwitte wrote:
>> On 06/08/2016 13:13, Giorgio Garabello wrote:
>> 2016-08-06 12:40 GMT+02:00 pjwitte:
>>> On 05/08/2016 01:23, Giorgio Garabello wrote:
>>>>>> When you draw a menu with Easymenu, that design is the minimum
>>>>>> size of
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> menu.
>>>>>>> I can not make it smaller by SBASIC, using MDRAW command.
>>>>>>> Now, is there any way to read this minimum size of the menu? The
>>>>>>> manual
>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>> could not find anything useful, but my English is bad and probably
>>>>>>> escaped
>>>>>>> me.
>>>>>>> Thanks in advanced
>>>>>>> Giorgio
>>>>>>> 2016-08-05 15:43 GMT+02:00 pjwitte:
>>>>>> Surely, the programmer who designed the menu already knows its
>>>>>> minimum
>>>>>> size? Or am I missing something?
>>>>>> Per
>>>>> On 05/08/2016 20:36, Giorgio Garabello wrote:
>>>>  > Not necessarily, in my case it is a service routine that must
>>>>  > be able to handle any menu
>>>>  >
>>>>  > Giorgio
>>>> I use the same routine as Tobias to read the values directly from the
>>>> working definition, eg after a resize call by the user. My point is
>>>> that it
>>>> seems pointless to calculate a value that is fixed and known in
>>>> advance: A
>>>> menu's minimum size is built into the menu presumably by the author
>>>> of the
>>>> program using it. I could only think of a few special cases, such as a
>>>> utility, like my MenView, to display menu (_men) files, and
>>>> programs for
>>>> designing menus, such as EasyMen itself. But perhaps thats what you
>>>> had in
>>>> mind. No, matter, Im glad you found a solution!
>>>> Per
>>>> PS I sent this message last night - 9 hours ago - but it hasnt arrived
>>>> yet, so trying again 12.39 GMT+2. Why so slow? P
>> My aim is to resize the menu without moving .
>>> Using the routines that I found on the EASYPTR manual (or on the web )
>>> if I try to make it smaller over size its minimum , the menu shrinks
>>> only up to its minimum size ( and is correct to do it ) and then moves
>>> .
>>> I have to overcome this drawback , the lower right corner should never
>>> move, so I thought I calculate the new point of origin so
>>> X current source - current width + minimum width
>>> and
>>> source current Y - current height + minimum height .
>>> So i need to use  the minimum size of the menu. I was hoping to get
>>> poterve automatically .
>>> I'm using Google translate , so probably I am sending you the nonsense
>>> .. or the recipe of spaghetti with tomato sauce !
>>> Giorgio
>>> Well, then you need to PEEK the window definition [WD] rather than the
>> window working definition [WWD]. EasyPtr prepends its own header to
>> the WD. I think its always 28b long, in which case the
>> standard/minimum size can be found at
>> WD = APPA(<menu name>)
>> minx = PEEK_W(WD + 28): miny = PEEK_W(WD + 30)
>> This is not a universal formula, mind you, as more than one layout may
>> be defined (the menu designer will know). However, I'll leave that as
>> an excercise for now.. ;) Check out the excellent QPTR manual for
>> details, and use EasySource to dissemble your EasyMen menus.
>> Per
> This was not quite what Giorgio had in mind, as he doesnt use APPAn, but
> the following construct (which I had forgotten about):
> MDRAW#ch; 'my_menu'
> ie MDRAW takes the menu name directly from an appended binary. The
> solution then became:
> ch = fopen('con')
> rem Get the WD directly via the WWD
> adr = mwdef(#ch): madr = peek_l(adr + 4)
> xmin% = peek_w(madr): ymin% = peek_w(madr + 2)
> ..
> mdraw#ch; 'my_menu',..
> Arguments and provisos as previously noted.
> Per
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