On 02/11/2017 09:18, Derek Stewart via Ql-Users wrote:
On 01/11/17 21:01, Michael Bulford via Ql-Users wrote:
Hi Norman,
I have both CPORT and CFIX.  I find that CFIX doesn't work correctly in QPC2,

so to get around that problem, I use Q-emulator for that one.

CPORT does work well in QPC2, provided that memory is limited to 16M.
There's also some other related files.
I'll dig them out.  How can I get them to you?

Kind regards,
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Does any one know the commercial status of the DP Collection.

The rights to the various programs in the DP Collection reverted to the software authors when Digital Precision ceased trading.

Some have released their programs into the public domain (or as freeware), but the vast majority remains protected by copyright

Rich Mellor
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