Am 11.12.2017 um 14:22 schrieb François Van Emelen via Ql-Users:
Hi all,

Is there a length limit to the editable string (suggestion$) in the function READ_STRING$?

answer$=read_string$(" edit ",suggestion$,request$,length,xpos,ypos)

If there is any info about it, where can I find it?

Thank you in advance.

François Van Emelen

QL-Users Mailing List

if you need more use this

careful with menu_rext pre 8.04
the string length (name$(nr)="1234567890")
must not exceed the the given length
(dim name$(nr,length)
otherwise your system will crash

110 nr = 0 : DIM name$(nr,60), name%(nr)
120 :
125 name$(nr) ="12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890"
130 name%(nr) = 16384
140 :
170 :
180 REPeat loop
190 REMark this works with menu_rext 7.66
200 :
210 REMark r = LIST_SELECT ("Test",name$,name%,,,,,)
220 :
230 REMark workaround for 8.0x but not 7.66
235 :
240 REMark r = LIST_SELECT (" Test ",name$,name%,,,,,)
245 :
250 SELect ON r
270    = -2
290         s = name%(0)&&(BIN$ (16,16))
300            IF s = 256
310              PRINT #1, name$(0)
320            END IF
350    = -1 :EXIT loop
370    = REMAINDER
380 END SELect
390 END REPeat loop

Greetings from Switzerland

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