So sorry for wasting my time trying to answer your question. It wont happen

On 21 June 2018 at 16:38, Per Witte <> wrote:

> Im not familiar with C++ overloading, but S*BASIC allows some "parametric
> polymorphism", viz:
> dim x%(2): for i% = 0 to 2: x%(i%) = 9 - i%
> Test 'abc', 2.99, x%
> :
> def proc Test(a, b%, c)
> print a\ b% \ c, \
> enddef Test
> :
> Result:
> abc
> 2.99
> 9  8  7
> The SBASIC compiler performs a number of additional passes to SuperBASIC's
> parser, to end up with a much purer "executable". The compiled program is
> not machine code, of course, it consists of fixed length tokens that still
> need to be "interpreted". But all useless baggage has been eliminated from
> the program flow, expressions teased into simple RPN steps, and locations
> resolved to absolute addresses. So no, the size of the program or distance
> to procedures does not effect the speed of execution.
> On 20 June 2018 at 22:35, Dave Park via Ql-Users <
> > wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> How hard would it be to extend sBASIC functions to support C++ style
>> overloading?
>> Separately, does the sBASIC in SMSQ or Minerva still scan for
>> procedures/functions from the beginning of the program, so earlier
>> have a speed advantage over later ones like in JM/JS?
>> --
>> Dave Park
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