Op Sat, 25 Aug 2018 12:03:03 +0200 schreef pjwitte via Ql-Users <ql-users@lists.q-v-d.com>:

Thank you, guys. The confusion, it appears, was entirely mine. I'll spare you my various excuses; one of the many clues that should have alerted me to the error of my ways was in sp_titletextbg! :) I do wish, however, that there had been some "safe" way to put text on a stippled or striped background in other cases too. But thats ok. Im very glad of the palette system as it is. It has stood up well to the test of time!

I can understand the "middleground" confusion.
When you open a theme in QCoCo and click the INFO WINDOW item there is "ink_1" and "ink_2". The manual explains that ink_2 stands for middleground, probably called this way to avoid just this confusion. Not all themes that are around will fully exploit this, nor do many programs, I never did. So if some text seems missing or vague it's worth checking your theme in QCoCo to see if the ink_2 item is actually visible or different enough.

QCoCo's "SYNCHRO" section will take the Outline ink & paper and copy this to other sections to quickly build a theme but syncing middleground with ink_1 is missing and I will add this to v1.63. Thanks Per for making this point.

"sp_titletextbg" is also tricky.
In some themes Title-ink and -paper are the same, using this as a contrast. But SuQcess doesn't use it so the title (database name) could become invisible with such a theme. For the current version a test has been added to make sure ink and paper are different. Text background is not featured in EasyPTR and should be created with overlapping Info Windows.


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