Just a short note on my experiences with some (old) QL-SDs that were updated 
with Marcel's PLD and new drivers plus a dual-slot card that I have been using 
for some time now:

While the original PLD/Driver combination has always been a bit, say, 
capricious, after the upgrade everything has been working just flawlessly. QLSD 
is entirely transparent and just works now, I have never had the slightest 
issue with it, and the possibility to exchange QLWA images with QPC2 and Q68 is 
really a joy to use. The card change detection makes usage much simpler, you 
can change SD cards like floppy disks now.

I have been using this setup now for a while in a SuperGold Card and a Gold 
Card QL, and both work absolutely flawlessly. Be aware, however, that the 
double-drive SD card holder fills the available space in the microdrive slot 
completely - It needs a bit of patient fiddling to get the case to fit properly 
around it, especially in my Samsung-made QLs that have SuperHermes fitted - 
Here space is really tight, but with a bit of patient persuasion everything 
fits nicely.

All in all, an absolute recommendation. I have been using my QLs much more 
frequently during the last weeks, as they are pure joy to use now.

Thanks Marcel and Wolfgang!

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