Thanks to everyone for help on scale. The magic number appears to be 0.74 
or its reciprocal, at least on my QXL it does.

Now for slicing. I am not sure how far slicing is supposed to work and 
refer to the appended section of code which does not work. The PRINT 
statements in lines 190:1 & 190:2 suggest that lc has received the correct 
data but the values of u are wrong. Ideally, I have made a trivial mistake 
which can be put right with the slicing left in place. But is this so?

I have tried this out on SMSQ/E v2.98 and Minerva.
My thanks to anyone with the time to read this message and especially to 
anyone who can tell me what's going on.

Christopher Cave

100 DEFine PROCedure subrt
110 LOCal z(1,3),u(2)
120 z(0,0)=20 : z(1,0)=80 : z(0,1)=80 : z(1,1)=20
130 lc z(,0),z(,1),u
140 PRINT u,\
150 END DEFine subrt
160 :
170 DEFine PROCedure lc(x,y,u)
180 LOCal l
190 PRINT 'x=',x,\ : PRINT 'y=',y,\
200 u(0)=x(1)-y(1)
210 u(1)=y(0)-x(0)
220 u(2)=x(0)*y(1)-x(1)*y(0)
230 PRINT u,\
240 l=SQRT(u(0)^2+u(1)^2)
250 PRINT l
260 u(0)=u(0)/l : u(1)=u(1)/l : u(2)=u(2)/l
270 END DEFine lc
280 :
290 CLS
300 subrt
310 INPUT 'Press ENTER';a$

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