I had reason to fire up my MinisQL tonight for the first time in a
long time. The reason was: I needed an 'old' system. I was trying to
copy a disk with CHR$(0) in the filename and of course SMSQE sees this
as a DOS disk filename separator or something and gets totally
confused finding it on a QL system. OK, no problem, fire up the
MinisQL with QDOS to copy and rename the files, then find that the
floppy disk drive does not work. The power is getting to it, but no
drive light, no files listed (on any floppy disk!). Anyone got any
idea what might be wrong - the system is Aurora, Super Gold Card,
Qubide 2.1, Mplane...

Not that expensive to find a new drive of course, but if anyone has
any suggestions to save a few pounds! (The rest of the MinisQL works
OK, just can't get the floppy drive to work).

Good job I kept an old QL + disk drives in the attic, eh?

Dilwyn Jones

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