On Tue, 20 Feb 2001 at 21:15:19, Peter S Tillier
(Ref: <007201c09b82$3c824d00$5c16989e@btclick>)

>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Christopher Cave" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2001 6:07 PM
>Subject: [ql-users] QPC2 and floppy drives
>> I have been experiencing some weird happenings with reading floppies in
>> QPC2. Difficult to describe but QPAC2 looks completely to have misread
>> them. The same floppy is read quite correctly by my QXL in the same
>> machine running either SMSQ v2.76 or SMSQ/E v2.98. The parent OS is W98.
>> I only acquired QPC2 recently, so may have missed earlier correspondence -
>> sorry to all if that's the case.
>> Christopher Cave
>IIRC there's a bug in the floppy read routines in Win 98 that means that
>High Density floppies read OK and Double Density ones don't.  The QL Toady
>disks are DD hence ...
Yep - I can't read the QL Toady disk using qemulator under W98 with 1.4k
drive in the bios settings.

Qemulator pops up a Window saying just this
and adds:
There is no known software remedy for this.
You can still try to read, but you are likely to get random garbage
instead of part of the data, as the effect of the Win98 bug is that when
trying to read data from the second side if the disk, a random sector of
the first side is read instead.

If you know how to set up a PC, you can try to temporarily change the
floppy disk type the match the type of QL floppies you are using.
This is spot on, 'cos changed to 720k (bios settings of course) and the
non-working QL Toady Turbo disk sprang to life.

Phoebus - you could also be right, but a simple read error is flagged as
such by qemulator.
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