I'm not 100% sure, but I think there was a program supplied with Turbo
(written by Phil Borman?) called MAKE_KEYWORD_bas. I know Turbo can't
directly create new keywords, although it's a feature I suggested to
George Gwilt as a possible long term new facility to be looked into.

Dilwyn Jones
-----Original Message-----
From: Timothy Swenson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 07 March 2001 21:42
Subject: Re: SV: [ql-users] Nut cutlets - NO QL

>On Mar 7,  9:30pm, Dilwyn Jones wrote:
>> Not necessarily - you can compile procedures with QLib or make a
>> task into a keyword if you want, for example. In addition to named
>> procedures in S*BASIC of course.
>I know Qlib will create extensions, but I don't think TURBO will
create an
>extension that can be LRESPRed (like a toolkit).  I'm pretty sure
>mentioned that it was not possible.  Am I wrong?
>Tim Swenson

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