In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Bill Waugh
>Malcolm Cadman wrote:
>> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Darren Branagh
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
>> >Hi All,
>> >
>> >By Now, you all will have noticed my absence at the Hove Show -
>> >unfortunately this couldn't be helped for two reasons..
>> >
>> >Firstly, I was seriously snowed in!! About 10-12 inches of snow in places,
>> >and 2-3 foot drifts at my main gate. I'm been snowbound since last Tuesday,
>> >and only got the car out yesterday morning. I was without electricty and
>> >phone lines too.
>Hope this doesn't sound like "my drifts are bigger than yours" but we
>still have drifts of three feet they originally were six feet and over.
>Power was off four four days 
>> He .. he .. advantages of living in the country :-)
>> I trust that you had a drop of good stuff to keep you warm ...
>> >Secondly, the foot and mouth crisis - its been generally frowned upon for
>> >anybody to make any non-essential travel to the UK from Ireland by the
>> >government.
>> Yes, it seems hard to track down where the source(s) lay.
>No - MAFF are pretty sure it started at my namesakes pig far ( no
>relation BTW), then it seems to have been spread by one dealer/hauleir.
>> Hopefully, we will learn a lesson from this, and have better practices
>> is place for the future.
>> --
>Sorry Malcolm, but whatever do you mean. F&M is a virus that is
>prevalent in some parts of the world where animal welfare is NOT viewed
>with the same degree of concern as it is here by public and farmers.
>If this outbreak has been caused by the feeding of swill containing
>infected meat then someone illegally brought/imported that infected meat
>into this country, can you suggest what better practise could guarantee
>to prevent this.
>Have we had much success in preventing the import of illegal drugs? and
>preventing the crime and misery that goes with that scene.
>It does seem these days that whatever crisis arrives everyone wants to
>blame the government ( of the day), everyone has an answer based on the
>dubious facts spouted out by our media.

<clipped here ...>

Hi Bill,

I obviously touched on an area of your expertise.

Whatever we do we still have to deal with nature.  The English media are
very poor in dealing with an informed understanding about anything
outside of London and the South East.

I was brought up in a small Yorkshire village that had 5 farms.  I
cannot recall a reaction to F&M as wide reaching as this one.

>Nothing personnel Malcolm

No problem ... no offensive taken at all.

A good discussion, unfortuneatly too OT for the QL list to pursue for
long :-)

Malcolm Cadman

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