Dilwyn Jones Wrote:-

>Our daily newspapers in Britain today have been carryinbg pictures of
>an airport lady "wearing" a radio linked body computer, which has a
>keyboard on her arm, a belt carried battery pack and a sci-fi style
>small screen on a headset style arm in front of one eye set up to look
>at close range like a 15 inch display they claim.

IBM manufacture these I think - A few of the staff at the Bank Of Ireland in 
Dublin Airport have them, and use them to do foreign exchange for customers 
in the actual airport lounges - They have a 2.5" Hard drive on their belt 
which holds the info and what business they have done for the day, and they 
keep a bag around their shoulder with various amounts of foreign cash in it. 
These ones aren't radio linked, so a multi core cable runs down your back to 
the HD and processor on the belt. They are voice controlled, so no keyboard 
either. A sure fire hit for a mugging I would have thought, but apparently 
it works well and they have had no problems (yet!).

Darren Branagh.

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